August 19, 2021

5 tips to improve your listing photos.

Still Image Photography

Take your listing images to the next level

You've spent weeks getting your listing under contract, prepping the property, and had it staged. Finally time to have professional images taken and put it on the market! Here are 5 tips to take your listing to the next level and set you and your brand apart from the competition. First; step is simple but an attractive way to step up that newly remodeled kitchen. Putting out a cutting board, fresh fruit and a cutting knife can give the viewer the sense of what it would be like to be cooking in the space. A sense of comfort and welcoming. So much of listing a property is helping the potential buyers feel as if they belong in the home. Along this theme the next items further that sensation. Ask your photographer to do TV screen and Fireplace (digital flames) replacement. Replacing that large 65" blank black screen with a nice scene that compliments the space can do wonders. Tip: ensure your photographer chooses a natural toned image, the idea is to compliment the room not be the start attraction. As an example, if the space has a country theme, a nice image of wheat fields or a weathered barn can be a great addition. Replacing the cold fire place with digital flames just takes the living room to the next level and creates a warm and inviting space they can imagine watching a movie with their family and friends in. Now lets talk about exterior. I can't tell you how many times I've shot properties with beautifully landscaped backyards only to find the umbrella at the patio table down. Opening it and shooting a nice low shot (as if sitting at the table) with the umbrella open creates a great shot. One of my favorites. Lastly for the exterior is something that might not be needed on every shoot, but should be considered depending on the weather. Sky replacements have become easier and more realistic over the last year or so. They can put your listing under calming clouds are create a dramatic Twilight image. Give it try, if done correctly and with a complimentary sky, it can totally change the image. So there you go! 5 top tips to enhance your professional listing images. At Pretzer Photography some of these tips are already included in our packages. Hope to see you on your next listing!